Costa Medical Services -

Teléfono: 624649977.
Página web:
Especialidades: Médico de familia, Médico, Service establishment.

Opiniones: Esta empresa tiene 3 valoraciones según Google My Business.
Opinión media: 3.7/5.

Ubicación de Costa Medical Services

Horario de Costa Medical Services

  • Lunes: Abierto las 24 horas
  • Martes: Abierto las 24 horas
  • Miércoles: Abierto las 24 horas
  • Jueves: Abierto las 24 horas
  • Viernes: Abierto las 24 horas
  • Sábado: Abierto las 24 horas
  • Domingo: Abierto las 24 horas

Costa Medical Services es un centro médico ubicado en una zona céntrica de la ciudad, especializado en diversas áreas de la salud. Con una amplia oferta de servicios, se destaca por su profesionalismo y atención personalizada.

Costa Medical Services se encuentra en dirección desconocida, y su teléfono de contacto es 624649977. También puedes visitar su página web en

Sus especialidades incluyen Médico de familia, Médico y Service establishment, abarcando un amplio espectro de atención médica para toda la familia. Además, se destaca por su compromiso con la calidad y la calidez en el trato hacia los pacientes.

Entre otros datos de interés, se destaca la disponibilidad de horarios flexibles, un equipo médico altamente capacitado y un ambiente acogedor que brinda tranquilidad a quienes acuden en busca de atención médica.

En cuanto a opiniones, Costa Medical Services cuenta con 3 valoraciones en Google My Business, con una opinión media de 3.7/5, lo cual refleja la satisfacción general de sus pacientes con los servicios recibidos.

Para aquellos que buscan un centro médico confiable, con profesionales competentes y un ambiente acogedor, Costa Medical Services es una excelente opción. Ya sea para una consulta de rutina, un chequeo médico o cualquier otra necesidad de salud, este centro se destaca por su calidad y calidez en la atención.

Si estás en busca de atención médica de calidad y confianza, no dudes en contactar con Costa Medical Services a través de su página web. Tu salud es lo más importante

Opiniones de Costa Medical Services

Costa Medical Services -
Claye Herdman

Lifesaver if you need a prescription in Spain and have tried all the local medical centres with no success

Ben was prompt, thorough and very informative.

Would recommend if you need quick help!

Costa Medical Services -

I low key think this website is a scam!? I emailed requesting a physical appointment, they refused and said only over video chat. I was going to try somewhere else but I was desperate for this prescription so I paid $60AUD for the video consultation and then the doctor never joined the chat. I tried to resolve the issue with the customer service team for them to claim I was the one who never joined the video chat, and that there was nothing they could do. I tried to compromise, maybe reschedule, they flat out refused. I DO NOT recommend this service, currently in the process of disputing the transaction because it seems super fraudulent to me. Good luck ?

EDIT: It won’t let me reply to their response so I’ll have to do it as an edit, but what they have said is untrue. I received no communication that an app had to be downloaded, but that only took a moment so I was in the chat room 2 minutes after my appointment started. I sat in the chat room for ten minutes (the allocated appointment time is 15 minutes so I was still within my appointment) before emailing with screenshot evidence I was in the chat room. I had mentioned TWICE that I could not receive phone calls due to my international SIM card and despite what you have said, no email communication was made before I made contact. I used a different company with absolutely no issue, disappointed in how this was handled, especially your reply. Use at your own risk…

Costa Medical Services -
Patricia Tutton

Excellent service, fast and efficient. The doctor we spoke to was very helpful and kind.
