Dr Aquilar - Pasadena, Texas

Dirección: 3216 Spencer Hwy A, Pasadena, TX 77504.

Página web: toolband.com.
Especialidades: Médico.
Otros datos de interés: Ofrece asistencia en otros idiomas, Entrada accesible para personas en silla de ruedas, Estacionamiento accesible para personas en silla de ruedas, Espacio accesible para personas en silla de ruedas, Sanitarios accesibles para personas en silla de ruedas, Sanitario, Se recomienda concertar cita.
Opiniones: Esta empresa tiene 14 valoraciones según Google My Business.
Opinión media: 3.6/5.

Ubicación de Dr Aquilar

Dr Aquilar 3216 Spencer Hwy A, Pasadena, TX 77504

Horario de Dr Aquilar

  • Lunes: 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
  • Martes: 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
  • Miércoles: 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
  • Jueves: 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
  • Viernes: 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
  • Sábado: 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
  • Domingo: 9 a.m.–5 p.m.

Si estás en busca de un médico confiable en Pasadena, Texas, Dr. Aquilar es una excelente opción a considerar. Ubicado en la Dirección: 3216 Spencer Hwy A, Pasadena, TX 77504, este profesional de la salud ofrece una amplia gama de servicios médicos para atender tus necesidades.

Con especialidades médicas, Dr. Aquilar se destaca por brindar asistencia de calidad a sus pacientes. Además, es importante destacar que su consulta cuenta con diversas facilidades para garantizar la comodidad de todos. Desde entrada accesible para personas en silla de ruedas hasta estacionamiento y espacios accesibles, se preocupan por ofrecer un entorno inclusivo y adecuado para todos.

Si te preocupa la comunicación, no debes preocuparte. Dr. Aquilar ofrece asistencia en otros idiomas, lo que facilita la comunicación para aquellos que prefieren expresarse en su lengua materna.

Además, para agilizar el proceso y garantizar una atención personalizada, se recomienda concretar una cita previamente. Esto permite una mejor organización y atención dedicada a cada paciente.

En cuanto a opiniones, Dr. Aquilar cuenta con 14 valoraciones en Google My Business, con una opinión media de 3.6/5. Estas valoraciones reflejan la satisfacción de los pacientes atendidos y la calidad del servicio ofrecido.

Para más información o para agendar una consulta, te invitamos a visitar su Página web: toolband.com. No dudes en ponerte en contacto con Dr. Aquilar para recibir la atención médica que necesitas en un ambiente acogedor y profesional.

No esperes más y agenda tu cita con Dr. Aquilar hoy mismo

Opiniones de Dr Aquilar

Dr Aquilar - Pasadena, Texas
Martha Morales

Si pudiera 0 estrellas eso haría. El era mi medico primario... Fui a un examen porq tenía ardor al orinar. Me dijo que era una simple infección. el se fue se vacaciones esa semana siguiente y tuve que ir de emergencia al hospital por infección a las vías renales. Estuve internada en el hospital 5 días. Cuando salí del hospital fui donde el para que llenara mis papeles de mi trabajo y con todos los documentos de que estuve en el hospital. El me dijo..... YO NO VOY A LLENAR NADA PORQUE YO N O LE DIJE QUE FUERA AL HOSPITAL. Que decepción más grande.... entonces primero tenía que esperar que el regresara de vacaciones o morirme.

Dr Aquilar - Pasadena, Texas
Teresa Garcia

Tengo 12 años con el doctor. Yo y mi esposo estamos muy contento con el.

Dr Aquilar - Pasadena, Texas
David Roberts

A couple of years ago I was insured by Molina and this was the doctor they sent me to. He was and is a very caring doctor, he has carefully listened to any concern I have had and has always had a helpful response. He definitely cares about my health, no question about that. He speaks good english, which I am grateful for since that is the language I speak. He is also fluent in spanish, as many of his patients speak spanish. For the past 2 years I have not been able to get health insurance. Recently it became necessary for me to see a doctor and I knew I would have to pay out of pocket. Who do you think I chose? Dr. Aguilar, of course. If I am willing to pay this man out of pocket, no insurance, that's gotta tell you something. I trust this doctor. I believe that he does a great job. I don't understand all of the bad reviews. That just doesn't sound like my doctor. Maybe they are mad because he won't prescribe them pain pills they don't need. Give this guy a chance if you have genuine need for a good doctor.

Dr Aquilar - Pasadena, Texas
Tania Montes

This Dr takes advantage of older patients that put their trust in him. He WAS the primary doctor to both my parents. My mother had been feeling sick for a while and she went to him several times and he dismissed her. Turns out she had a small stroke the DR that detected it was her optomotrist she then went back to Aguilar to tell him she thought she had a stroke that left her with blurred vision he advised "he didn't think so" but didn't do further testing or gave her a referral to see a neurologist like any GOOD doctor would do. Fast forward to a few months later, she had 2 massive strokes that took her life.
During that time, my father was having shortness of breath and he went to see Dr Aguilar. He ran test on him and told him he had anxiety and prescribed him an INHALER. Thanks to google I read that his symptoms might be heart failure. A few days later when he had shortness of breath I rushed him to the ER and GUESS WHAT? he was having HEART FAILURE and he had to have massive open hear surgery. My father would have had a MASSIVE HEART ATTACK if I would have not made the decision to take him to the ER. Most likely my father like my mother would have DIED thanks to the negligence of this Dr.
DR AGUILAR needs to have his medical license taken away from him! If his staff is reading this... DO NOT WORRY ABOUT RELEASING HIM AS A PATIENT, I made sure this doctor never see's my father or anybody else I know!!

Dr Aquilar - Pasadena, Texas
Martha Zambrano

He's not no phony doctor who doesn't care about you and pushes you to the side. I have been with Carlos Aguilar for the past 6 years and he's only doctor in Pasadena that I've known that ever cared about my health and my children. I give him a five stars out of all the doctors I have seen here in Pasadena.

Dr Aquilar - Pasadena, Texas

Why even set an appointment it takes an hour just to be called and another hour and a half to been seen by him.. He has you do all kinds of test and they take forever to call in your refills.... Why especially when u need ur medication

Dr Aquilar - Pasadena, Texas
Jose Romero

I like this Doctor, very friendly and really care about my health

Dr Aquilar - Pasadena, Texas

I keep getting calls and voicemails from these idiots. Stop calling me!
