Nelson Aguilar, MD - Sunrise, Florida

Dirección: 4300 N University Dr Suite B107, Sunrise, FL 33351.
Teléfono: 9547466900.

Especialidades: Cardiólogo, Internista.
Otros datos de interés: Entrada accesible para personas en silla de ruedas, Estacionamiento accesible para personas en silla de ruedas, Sanitarios accesibles para personas en silla de ruedas, Sanitario, Acepta pacientes nuevos, Se recomienda concertar cita.
Opiniones: Esta empresa tiene 16 valoraciones según Google My Business.
Opinión media: 4.5/5.

Ubicación de Nelson Aguilar, MD

Nelson Aguilar, MD es un reconocido cardiólogo e internista ubicado en la dirección 4300 N University Dr Suite B107, Sunrise, FL 33351. Con un enfoque especializado en el cuidado del corazón y la salud interna, el Dr. Aguilar se destaca por su profesionalismo y dedicación hacia sus pacientes.

Para contactar con la consulta del Dr. Aguilar, puedes llamar al 9547466900 para programar una cita. La clínica cuenta con instalaciones accesibles para personas en silla de ruedas, incluyendo entrada, estacionamiento y sanitarios adaptados para brindar comodidad a todos los pacientes.

Con un total de 16 valoraciones en Google My Business, la opinión media sobre la práctica del Dr. Aguilar es de 4.5/5, lo que refleja la satisfacción de sus pacientes con la atención recibida.

Si estás buscando un profesional de la salud con experiencia en cardiología e medicina interna, el Dr. Nelson Aguilar es una excelente opción. Se recomienda concertar cita previa para una atención más personalizada y eficiente.

Para obtener más información sobre los servicios ofrecidos por el Dr. Aguilar, así como para conocer su filosofía de trabajo y enfoque en el cuidado del paciente, se recomienda visitar su página web oficial. Allí encontrarás detalles adicionales que te ayudarán a tomar una decisión informada sobre tu salud cardiovascular e interna.

No dudes en ponerte en contacto con el equipo del Dr. Aguilar a través de su página web para programar una consulta y recibir la atención médica especializada que necesitas. Tu salud es lo más importante, no esperes más para cuidarla

Opiniones de Nelson Aguilar, MD

Nelson Aguilar, MD - Sunrise, Florida
K G.V.

Sali triste del consultorio. Llevo 3 meses con unas palpitaciones que no se a que se deben y la primera vez cai en el hospital y me atendio el Dr Nelson y sali con gran deuda por un rato que estuve en el hospital y sin ningun diagnostico. Y pense que en su privada seria diferente y volvio a hacer lo mismo que se hizo en hospital y Holter y stress test y todo salio bien.pero yo se que mi problema no esta en el ritmo sino en la intensidad de la palpitaciones que no son normales. Y el me hizo sentir al igual la mujer Lisa que hizo un review. Me senti como que si les quito su tiempo con algo que creen que me estoy inventando. Solo se encargo de ver que el ritmo fuera normal Y no profundizo en que otra cosa podria causat eso. sali de ahi sin nada de nuevo ,despues de tanto examenes y ningun DIAGNOSTICO y ningun consejo .osea el Dr. Nelson ni adios me dijo y ni me dio una recomendacion de saber que si debo ir a otra especialidad. Pero gracias a Dios vi ese review y me ire a buscar una segunda opinion. Y espero no sea nada grave y haya permido mi tiempo . NO LO RECOMIENDO

Nelson Aguilar, MD - Sunrise, Florida
Domingo Romero

Muy bueno

Nelson Aguilar, MD - Sunrise, Florida
Edith Irizarry

Let me start by saying that Dr. Aguilar is an amazing cardiologist and God sent. He has been our mom's doctor for the last 9 years. He is personable, knowledgeable, caring, and extremely professional. Recently our mother had a medical scare, and Dr. Aguilar saved her life. He visited her at the hospital everyday. He worked well with the team of doctors at the hospital to make sure our mother received optimal care. Our mother loves Dr. Aguilar because he is her greatest advocate. Dr. Aguilar makes our mother feel safe. We trust his medical advice. Thank you Dr. Aguilar for all that you do for our mother. We appreciate you. You're the best!

Nelson Aguilar, MD - Sunrise, Florida
Ian Freedman

Dr Aguilar was part of a team that 100% saved my life after having a heart attack and other issues. I am now a patient of his in Lauderhill. The office staff is awesome, and he provides, in my opinion, world class care. Very important to me- He listens, and explains everything. Always takes the time to answer my questions (as obviously all of this is new to me). I would not hesitate to recommend Dr Aguilar or his practice

Nelson Aguilar, MD - Sunrise, Florida
George Holmquist

Dr. Aguilar is the best Doctor out there. He saved my life when my heart was not at it's best. I have been going to him for over 10 years and will not go to any other Doctor. I trust him to always take care of me! I will forever be grateful for him. Thank you Dr. Aguilar for everything you have done for me and my family.

Nelson Aguilar, MD - Sunrise, Florida
Maribel Monsalve

Dr. Aguilar saved my dad’s life. Dr Aguilera quickly referred my dad to go to the hospital After my dad failed a stress test. Long story short my dad ended up having open heart surgery. Dr Aguilera was there almost every day at 5:00 am to check in on him. His bedside manner is amazing. It is great that he speaks Spanish as it makes it easier for my parents to communicate with him.

Nelson Aguilar, MD - Sunrise, Florida
Steadman Haase

My first contact with Doctor Aguilar was at a medical facility after a major accident. I was so impressed with his humanity, medical skills and the level of care he provided that I requested to be his patient.
On learning that he could not be my primary care doctor and Cardiologist because of restrictions on my Healthcare policy, I switched policy. Doctor Nelson Aguilar and his patients centered staff have been taking care of the health needs of my wife, myself and two of my close friends who are very thankful to me for my recommendations.
Among the many things which set my doctor above many other Healthcare providers are:
A. He is very attentive
B. He actively engages me in my healthcare decisions.
C. He makes time to respond to my enquiries between visits.
D. He always engages on a level that is clearly understandable.
I am very happy with the decision I made over three years ago to put all my Healthcare needs in the caring hands of this brilliant Physician.

Nelson Aguilar, MD - Sunrise, Florida
lisa Berlin

I've been complaining of chest pains to dr. Aguilar and he kept tellme its not my heart. Well that didn't sit well with me so I got a second opinion and it turns out one of my main arteries is severely blocked and on Monday I'm going in for Angioplasty and a Stent.
This could have caused me to have a heart attack and or stroke or potentially die. Dr. Aguilar totally dismissed my concerns. I'm so happy I went for a second opinion. When a pt is complaining about something wrong with their body drs need to listen and figure out what is causing the problem. I'm very disappointed in Dr. Aguilar bc I thought he was a good cardiologist he said we could do million dollar testing and never know why you are having chest pains. He made me feel stupid and like it was all in my head. I knew something was wrong
You don't have constant chest pains w/o cause. Beware of Dr Aguilar. Very disappointing I had hig regards for Dr. Aguilar but not anymore.
