Dr. Alicia Raquel Bordon - Houston, Texas

Dirección: 720 W 11th St, Houston, TX 77008.
Teléfono: 138805266.

Especialidades: Internista.
Otros datos de interés: Entrada accesible para personas en silla de ruedas, Estacionamiento accesible para personas en silla de ruedas, Sanitarios accesibles para personas en silla de ruedas, Sanitario, Acepta pacientes nuevos, Se recomienda concertar cita.
Opiniones: Esta empresa tiene 18 valoraciones según Google My Business.
Opinión media: 3.3/5.

Ubicación de Dr. Alicia Raquel Bordon

La Doctora Alicia Raquel Bordon es una destacada internista que se encuentra ubicada en 720 W 11th St, Houston, TX 77008. Con una sólida formación académica y años de experiencia, la Dra. Bordon se ha ganado la confianza de sus pacientes por su profesionalismo y dedicación.

Entre sus especialidades se destacan los diagnósticos precisos y el tratamiento efectivo de diversas enfermedades y condiciones médicas. Su enfoque integral y empático la convierten en una opción ideal para aquellos que buscan una atención médica de calidad.

Además, la clínica de la Dra. Bordon cuenta con una serie de comodidades para sus pacientes, incluyendo entrada accesible para personas en silla de ruedas, estacionamiento accesible, y sanitarios adaptados. Todo pensado para brindar una experiencia cómoda y accesible a todos los visitantes.

Con 18 valoraciones en Google My Business y una opinión media de 3.3/5, la Dra. Alicia Raquel Bordon ha demostrado consistentemente su compromiso con la excelencia en la atención médica.

Si estás en busca de un profesional de la salud comprometido con el bienestar de sus pacientes, la Dra. Bordon es una excelente elección. Se recomienda concertar cita previamente para garantizar una atención personalizada y sin demoras.

No dudes en contactar a la Dra. Alicia Raquel Bordon a través de su página web para obtener más información sobre sus servicios y horarios de atención. Tu salud es lo más importante, no esperes más para ponerte en manos de una profesional de confianza

Opiniones de Dr. Alicia Raquel Bordon

Dr. Alicia Raquel Bordon - Houston, Texas
Mariana Barrera

I love Dr. Borden! She truly cares about her patients. She sits down with you and doesn’t rush and takes her time to explain everything. Maybe some people are in a hurry and want to walk in and out and that’s not going happen. My only recommendation is to adopt a new answering system, so calls are answered in a more timely manner, there’s been times when I call, and call. and call, and call and no one answers. I leave a message and then somebody calls me back. I want to give a 4⭐️ for this but I know ⭐️s reflect the doctor so I’m giving her a 5⭐️.

Dr. Alicia Raquel Bordon - Houston, Texas
Mars B

I wanted to use her as a primary care physician and believe she had my best interests at heart, that was not the case... Terrible doctor with regards to personal attention for her patients- or possibly bad choice of office personnel - wont even answer calls for appointments. It pains me to even take the time to write this but I feel like her office forced my hand by writing me off... I have left several messages with zero responses. I have the impression that all her practice wants to do is collect easy money from insurance or Medicare... FYI, not all your patients want prescriptions, we want individualized guidance for our physical well being..

Dr. Alicia Raquel Bordon - Houston, Texas

After a long waiting I had visited Dr Bordon for a general control. She is good but only spent 3 minutes with me, the staff gave us a bad service for a 400 dolars bill at the end.
Dr Bordon wanted to have a blood test in my case and after some days the order was not valid anymore. The staff wanted me to meet again Dr Bordon. It is a clear way to take your money.... I will never go back.

Dr. Alicia Raquel Bordon - Houston, Texas
Kathryn Hardy

I went to Dr. Bordon for several years. I really liked her, but her staff that handles the records gets a big fat zero star for service. I moved away and my new doctor has been trying to get my records for 2 months now. They have requested them no less than 5 times. Dr. Bordon's office gives me the runaround when I call, IF they even answer the phone. All I want is my lab results. They expect me to Pay them $35 to get a copy of 2 pieces of paper. To get around that, they said my new doctor can request for free. Well you get what you pay for I guess because I got NOTHING! Please if you read this Dr. Bordon, I really liked you, but I WANT MY LAB RESULTS!!! Dated 4/18/18

Dr. Alicia Raquel Bordon - Houston, Texas
artimus 1971

I had good, prompt service. I used her a long time ago, and came back. Depending on what your in for she is good. I went in for internal problem from coughing, unlike the previous doctor's she sent me to get X-rays after my check up. She is my primary doctor again.

Dr. Alicia Raquel Bordon - Houston, Texas
Feral Nature Farm

Dr. Bordon always spends lots of time with me and I feel like she really care about me. She is a wonderful doctor. I’ve moved two hours away but still drive all the way to Houston in order to keep her as my doctor.

Dr. Alicia Raquel Bordon - Houston, Texas
Margarita Aguila

I have been patient for over two years and I have to say that I couldn't be happier with my doctor. I love the care and attention I get from Dr. Bordon, as well as her friendly staff. She answers all my questions and makes sure I have no doubts about any medications she will be prescribing.

Dr. Alicia Raquel Bordon - Houston, Texas
Bolla Rice

I've been a patient here for over two years (5 visits).

Dr. Bordon is consistently 30-45 minutes late to each appointment.

All charting is done on a computer which seems like a good idea, except doctor bordon spends more time on it than talking to her patient (or at least me).

She has on more than one occasion written incorrect or incomplete prescriptions. She is slapdash in her exams, all over the place in explanations and can't seem to remember the reason a patient came in in the first place.

I am not sure if she's negligent, incompetent or distracted (perhaps all three), but she's made several major mistakes - prescribing the wrong medication, losing/destroying testing samples, totally misdiagnosing illnesses.

Her staff is friendly, but ineffective. Twice now, they've attached the blood pressure monitor incorrectly (around the elbow), causing wild readings, to which they don't give a second thought - a person would be dying if they had 205/113.

They were even incapable of googling the number of the pharmacy two blocks away to correct a miswritten prescription.

If you just want a zpack for your sniffles, this doctor is fine. But do not trust her with any real medical care.
