University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics - Iowa City, Iowa

Dirección: Univ of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics, 200 Hawkins Dr, Iowa City, IA 52242.
Teléfono: 93561616.
Página web:
Especialidades: Hospital universitario, Hospital general, Hospital.
Otros datos de interés: Entrada accesible para personas en silla de ruedas, Estacionamiento accesible para personas en silla de ruedas, Sanitarios accesibles para personas en silla de ruedas.
Opiniones: Esta empresa tiene 653 valoraciones según Google My Business.
Opinión media: 3.7/5.

Ubicación de University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics

University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics Univ of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics, 200 Hawkins Dr, Iowa City, IA 52242

Horario de University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics

  • Lunes: Abierto las 24 horas
  • Martes: Abierto las 24 horas
  • Miércoles: Abierto las 24 horas
  • Jueves: Abierto las 24 horas
  • Viernes: Abierto las 24 horas
  • Sábado: Abierto las 24 horas
  • Domingo: Abierto las 24 horas

University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics es un centro médico de renombre ubicado en Iowa City, Iowa. Con una dirección en 200 Hawkins Dr, Iowa City, IA 52242, es reconocido por su excelencia en atención médica y sus avanzadas instalaciones. Puedes contactarlos al 93561616 o visitar su página web en

Este hospital cuenta con una amplia gama de especialidades que incluyen servicios hospitalarios generales y especializados. Es un hospital universitario que se distingue por su compromiso con la excelencia académica y la investigación médica. Además, proporciona servicios de alta calidad para pacientes que requieren atención especializada.

Entre sus otros datos de interés, University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics ofrece una entrada accesible y estacionamiento para personas en silla de ruedas, así como sanitarios adaptados para su comodidad. Esto garantiza un entorno inclusivo y accesible para todos los pacientes.

Según Google My Business, este centro médico ha recibido 653 valoraciones, con una opinión media de 3.7/5. Estas opiniones reflejan la satisfacción de los pacientes con la atención recibida y la calidad de los servicios ofrecidos.

Para aquellos que buscan atención médica de alta calidad en Iowa City, University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics es una excelente opción. Su reputación, instalaciones modernas y variedad de especialidades lo convierten en una elección confiable para cuidar de tu salud y bienestar. Se recomienda encarecidamente que contactes con ellos a través de su página web para obtener más información y programar una cita. No dudes en confiar en su experiencia y dedicación para tus necesidades médicas

Opiniones de University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics

University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics - Iowa City, Iowa
ma. del carmen Morales

Desafortunadamente los empleados de ese hospital sufren de acoso laboral y no pueden denunciarlo hay una mafia cuando ven a una persona de origen latino trabajando con ganas de aprender inmediatamente se le van encima que lastima que no tengan Ética y que esto sea desde el area de Recurso Humanos en contubernio con ciertas áreas del hospital

University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics - Iowa City, Iowa
Jay Santana “JT”

Rescheduled my appointment for two hours later. Assigned me to a new provider. Forgot to tell provider I needed med refills and that was primary reason for the visit. Disappointing adventure at UIHC today.

University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics - Iowa City, Iowa
Terri Allinger

My brother was transferred by ambulance to Iowa city of Sunday January 28, 2024. He is a quadriplegic and requires special care with illnesses. He went into surgery 2 hours after arriving to remove gangrene that was spreading quickly. The trauma team saved his life that day. He was then taken to ICU again because he requires so much additional care than an average patient. While in ICU we encountered many good nurses, but 1 in particular stood out. Tim Smith was his nurse and needs to be recognized for his superior compassion and care! Tim was attentive, understood my brothers disability and severe limitations to help him. One of the many things Tim did was range of motion on his legs to help with muscle spasms. No other nurse thus far has done that. The hospital administration needs to know how fantastic Tim is. If this review were only about Tim, the rating would easily have been a 5. I rated a 4 only because not all nursing staff has been great. I feel some just don't understand the restrictions of a quadriplegic, and a few were not helpful at all to him when he needed it. They were actually rude to him.

University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics - Iowa City, Iowa
Kei Ghan

Their entire entity only exist to make profits off people, not to actually do anything for a patient. I have been bringing my child up here for care. My child has seen multiple specialists, and we are constantly gaslighted. I was even told by Dr. Vanessa Curtis my child's medical issue was due to being "hispanic". Which is racist and discriminatory. No tests were done that day. Fast forward years later, Dr. Kanner wouldn't allow a CT scan. Her excuse is my child "will get cancer". This is untrue. Even though the series of lab tests were abnormal to warrant additional testing. The orthopedic surgeon stated my child's foot issue was an "anatomy" issue even though this doctor told us it was an alignment problem. I followed the doctor's expertise and my child had a surgery in attempt to correct. We were told if there were still problems another one would be needed. Dr. K wont do the other surgery to correct. Now my child still has problems, falls and is put at risk for another break.
My child was evaluated for ADHD, twice by Dr. Lin Diken. I was told my child is only ADHD at home and not at school so child ISN'T ADHD. And was told it's a parent-child issue. Many years & 6 different evaluations later; my child's diagnosis changed.
My child is also sick, a lot. Pretty much every month. Rhuematologist was nice, but doesn't want to do testing (labs, genetic testing). I have to sit and watch for many years for continuation of decline.
This hospital and doctors do in fact discriminate against patients. I have seen it with all my children due to them being hispanic. They also treat you different and fail to treat based on what type of insurance you have, who you are, and what other types of medical problems you have. Many times blaming it on the parent and parents medical problems.
University of iowa Hospitals and Clinics even merged with and took over other non UIHC clinics (Mercyone, Mercy).
It makes it hard to trust any doctor. You take your child to a doctor to find out what's wrong, to advocate for them and yourself but these doctors tell you nothing is wrong. How would one know without confirming with tests they fail to do.
But you will most definitely be allowed to schedule an appointment. The doctor gets paid, the student doctor gets paid, and the use of the facility (UIHC) gets their cut. It's all about profits. Not about care.

University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics - Iowa City, Iowa
Jay “Jay”

Put my ticket in the basket to be called back & waited for an hour in the waiting room. Meanwhile people that haven’t waited more than 5-10 minutes get called back. When I asked the assistant how long the wait would be she instantly got an attitude with me & told me to sit back down & they’ll call when ready. Everytime I’ve been here by myself they’ve waived me off as if getting surgery isn’t important exactly why it’s taken over 4 months just to get seen after they initially said this was an emergency. Being thrown to the side bc my skin color shouldn’t be a thing let alone feeling uncomfortable in a hospital.

University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics - Iowa City, Iowa
S Hollie

My brother was flown to this hospital due to a horrible motorcycle accident with multiple fractured bones (including a fractured pelvis). I live in Houston, TX, and received a call that he was being transferred via helicopter to this facility. Of course, I found the next available flight and got to him right away. When I finally made it to him, I was so disappointed in what I saw. He had been admitted to the trauma unit, and not one splint in place for any of his fractures. His wounds were still bleeding and uncovered. I went to the nursing station myself and asked for cleaning supplies and dressing so I could do this myself. I can say that with all the nurses that I encountered doing my brother's stay here, I was impressed with about two of them. There was no housekeeping. Every visit, I emptied his trash, asked for clean linen, and changed his bed sheets myself. I understand that units can be understaffed but at least be visible to family members. I was impressed with the physical therapist. They were awesome with my brother.

University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics - Iowa City, Iowa
Brandon Monroe

My provider, Dr. Al-Hayek, is amazing and deserves 5 stars. The 2 star rating is because of the hospital administration. What is the purpose of requiring people to check twice for the same appointment? How many people do you actually turn away at the entrances for coming to the hospital without an appointment?

University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics - Iowa City, Iowa
Dante Denato-Brandhagen

I have been struggling with digestive problems for years. A few years ago, i tried seeing Dr. Jhun in a very unproductive series of visits. My health has progressively gotten worse due to doctors brushing me off. I have blood coming from my bowels, my vomit, and now my kidneys too, probably because of dehydration from my digestive issues. I went to the emergency department for suicidal thoughts related to my health conditions and was yelled at for vomiting, and had things thrown at me by emergency room staff, and was made to sit in the vomit for two hours. The head injury i sustained during that same emergency room visit went unexamined at all. I’m now terrified of emergency rooms.
I sincerely hope i come to peace soon. I’m so tired.
